- 1 out of 4 businesses published more than 10 press releases every year.
- 68% businesses report raised brand/product visibility because of publishing the press release
- Reaching the right journalist is the biggest challenge with press releases for 42% businesses.
- 30% of businesses reported that a journalist has indeed contacted them about a release they’ve sent over the wire several months – or even a year or more – after they’ve sent it. Press releases have a longer shelf life than we thought.
- Press release is a powerful tool to share company’s news, according to 84% businesses.
- 63% companies plan to include multimedia elements (photos, video, graphics etc.) when they send a press release.
- Companies get 6x more engagement with press releases with multiple images.
- Thursday is the best day to publish a press press.
- “Unique,” “cutting-edge” and “exciting” are among the most cringe-inducing terms for journalists to read in a press release.
- The average pitch to a journalist is 100-200 words.
- More than 1 in 4 journalists (28%) receive over 100 pitches per week
- Journalists respond to just 3% of pitches.
- 59% businesses express “getting responses from journalists” as their biggest challenge in PR, followed by 46% businesses claiming inability to measure business impact.
- 57% brands want PR pros to tie PR activities to key business initiatives to increase
- Almost half PR pros say that relevancy of the story to the subject of the journalist is important when pitching a story.
Overall, it is clear that press releases remain an essential tool for businesses. Furthermore, the data presented in this article suggests that press releases are a powerful and effective way to get the word out about products and services, generate leads and increase brand visibility. https://earlystagemarketing.com/press-release-statistics/